Author: keeper

  • Ice Voices at the lighthouse

    Regional poet and essayist Will Nixon shared his recollections of winter poetry readings at the lighthouse including some icy observations from the resident lighthouse keeper. As the Hudson River rapidly thaws and resumes its liquid state, it is timely to reflect on the departing season of “hard water.” Read more about Voices in the Ice…

  • A winter weekend at the lighthouse



    For your reading pleasure…. a recent guest of the lighthouse posted an account of her stay, providing a glimpse of winter life on the Hudson River: A Beacon on the Hudson.

  • Duck blinds on the move

    As overnight temperatures dip into the teens and daytime temperatures barely rise above freezing, ice is forming in the quiet coves and bays along the river. Until recently, many of these coves and bays were home to duck blinds, which are framed with scrap lumber and camouflaged with cedar branches. Even though duck-hunting season has…

  • Rising waters

    When the lighthouse was originally built, it was an island at the edge of the navigation channel and isolated from the mainland. In 1888, bulkheads were constructed along the creek, which established a low-tide connection between the lighthouse and the shoreline. Subsequently, dredging spoils were deposited behind the bulkheads creating a narrow spit of land…

  • Migrations and stockpiling

    In nature, there are two broad strategies for coping with winter scarcity: seek warmer climate or stock up on supplies. Yesterday, marked the autumnal equinox. I motored the supply barge up the creek to load five barrels of kerosene. On the way, I counted two monarch butterflies on the wind on their way to Mexico.…

  • Tugboat Roundup

    On their way to the Waterford Tugboat Roundout, the Tug Cornell and the Steam Launch Hestia passed by the lighthouse. The Hestia paused on its way upriver to drop off some passengers at the lighthouse dock. The steamboat operator tooted the whistle when arriving and departing, to the delight of those of us standing on…

  • Trail Conditions: new boardwalk

    The wetland boardwalk was upgraded with new footings, brackets and anchors. These improvements secure the boardwalk against flooding while making a more pleasant walking experience through the tidal marsh. The boardwalk improvements were made possible through a grant from the Hudson River Improvement Fund of the Hudson River Foundation. Thanks to Harry Klahr and Tommy…

  • Between the Thunderstorms

    The annual Between the Tides Music Festival at the lighthouse was renamed the “Between the Thunderstorms” party on account of the rain. After 15 years of sunny weather during the annual festival, the lucky streak was broken and the rain poured down on the event. The diehards braved the rain. The handful of musicians who…