Buzz in the air

Springtime is always a busy time of year for an amateur naturalist like myself. So many things happening in the natural world all at once, it’s hard to keep track of it all. Birds migrating. Animals appearing. Insects emerging. Plants popping up. The ice cleared from the river in the first half of March. Since open water appeared, flocks of migratory waterfowl have been stopping over on their journey north, usually in a frenzy of courtship. Canvasbacks, Hooded Mergansers, Buffleheads, Ring-neck Ducks, Northern Shovelers–to name a few. The resident beaver has been spotted several times, or heard slapping its tail on the water. Last week, with the first rain of late March, green frogs started up with their trademark “clucking” call, which I heard at the wetland pond near the start of the trail. Last night, spring peepers were singing in the rain at the same pond. Two days ago, on the morning of March 31st, the first osprey of the season was sighted, perched on channel marker #93. I haven’t seen it since, so it must be just passing through. Still waiting for the resident pair, which showed up in the first week of April last year. The resident pair of Mallard Ducks are swimming around the dock and shoreline of the lighthouse. The skunk cabbage is emerging from the marsh mud with its distinctive purple and green sprouts. Yellow flag is sending up bright green shoots along the shoreline. Occasionally, a Pileated Woodpecker fills the air with its territorial call. I translate that as “Spring is here!”