Cup of sugar

The captain of the sailboat Leda phoned while I was preparing breakfast this morning. “Got some sugar?” he asked.
“What kind? I have brown sugar, raw sugar, powdered sugar.” The captain was taking some friends for a morning breakfast sail on the Hudson, but they forgot sugar for their coffee. Raw sugar would do the trick.
“How about artificial sweetener? Need that too?”
“Yeah, probably have some chemical-heads onboard.” I filled a paper cup with raw sugar, another cup with packets of sweetener, and threw in a handful of stirring sticks. I walked out to the dock still wearing my chef’s apron. As the Leda sailed past, I held out the two paper cups. Hank, one of the deckhands, leaned over the ship’s rail and grabbed the cups from my hands on the fly.
“Good morning, Patrick!”
“Good morning, Hank! Have a great time sailing!”
“Thanks, Patrick!” yelled the captain, as the sailboat slid past the dock without stopping. It was a crisp autumn morning–sunny with stiff breeze out of the northwest. I wished I could go them, but I had a houseful of guests and pancakes to make.